UK Battery Sales, powered by Pad
26 May 2015
ukbatterysales.co.uk is THE place to go for industrial batteries – and the website was produced by Pad Creative.
The site sells all the top battery brands and accessories as well as other, niche products that can be hard for even specialist engineers to source. And customers who need to send batteries outside Britain can have their batteries delivered anywhere in the world along with all the correct paperwork and consular documentation to ensure a smooth journey through customs. The site is in five different languages, which can be switched on or off at the touch of a button.
“UK Battery Sales is a specialist market with very knowledgeable staff,” said Pad’s Director of Business Development, Jon Garrard. “Our brief was to produce a site that’s clear, clean, professional and easy for their customers to use. It also needed to showcase the company’s expertise and great customer service. The company already had a website but they had built it themselves and its design and functionality were now out of date. They needed something much more professional to reflect their position in the marketplace.
“We developed a site that’s really easy for customers to find exactly what they need quickly and efficiently. There’s a ‘request a quote’ button on every page and users can navigate this responsive website with ease on any device including tablets and smart phones.
“The client is really happy with the end result and its performance so far has been impressive, proving that good design and functionality can result in increased sales, no matter how specialised your product may be.”