It’s a dog’s life at Pad
12 November 2014
Meet Winnie. She’s Pad’s latest recruit – a furry little auburn powerhouse of a pooch who’s loving her new role.
Winnie belongs to Alison, Pad’s Director of Creative Services. She’s a Yorkshire Terrier/Toy Poodle cross known as a Yorkipoo and she’s made herself right at home in the Pad studio.
Winnie sees herself as Head of Entertainment and is always ready for playtime. She gave us an exclusive interview. “I’m not actually on the payroll but I think it’s important that I’m there for the Pad team whenever they need a break. I let them throw toys for me and take me for walks – it really makes them feel useful.
“Of course, Pad’s work is very important so we’ve established a routine. I say hello to my colleagues in the morning and then go for a snooze before my lunchtime walk. Actually, I snooze quite a lot – you could call me a sleeping partner. But don’t be fooled – I try to follow conversations and will make encouraging noises, especially when I hear words I understand. They often talk of ‘leads’ and ‘ruff layouts’ and that’s when I give a little bark to inspire them. It can be quite a surprise for clients when they meet me but it’s my job to make everyone feel welcome so I allow them to pet me. Like everyone at Pad I love my job. Monday’s my favourite day of the week!”
If you’re thinking of visiting Pad, do come and say hello. Everyone is very friendly – especially Winnie.